Sunday, October 23, 2005


After an hour and a half of packing we embarked on our one week adventure to the Sierra; first stop, Cuenca. An uneventful 5 hour bus ride left us tired and hungry (although we did miss out on $.50 pineapples). Upon arrival we decided to walk from the Terminal Terrestre to the center of town, no small feat. About half way there, and looking like the tourists we are (envision huge green rucksack towering above my head) a Cuencan with a friendly smile asked us where we were headed. We struck up a conversation, me doing most of the talking with Lizz´s interjected ¨¡Si!¨and ¨¡Que bonito!¨ He gave us the grand tour, pointing out banks, churches, telephone cabinas and the local gradeschool as well as the building that his rich relatives own (he was a self-described ¨pobre¨). Finally leading us to the main square and afterwards to a hostel that he highly recommended we said our fairwells. After checking in at the Hostel ¨La Monastería¨we headed down the block to eat dinner, Chinese of all things! A delicious meal of chicken fried rice and Jugo de Piña was more than enough to fill us up. We took the rest to go and gave it to a delighted mother and daughter who approached us asking for ¨comidita.¨ Now we´re off to bed early tonight so we can get up and head to the Incan ruins of Ingapirca in the morning.

Lizz Arrives!

Lizz arrived yesterday in the madrugada (butt crack of dawn). After trying to sneak on ¨contraband¨ (a leatherman), having to deal with a customs form entirely in Spanish, and surviving the turbulance of hurricane Wilma she arrived, haggared, (Lizz´s word choice) in Simon Bolivar International Airport, Guayaquil.

Yesterday´s Highlights:

-Visiting the popularly named Iguana Park (Parque Seminario)
-Walking the Malecón 2000
-Climbing the 400 some steps of Las Peñas, for the best view of Guayaquil
-Riding ¨El Morgan¨pirate ship and getting ripped off like the gringos we are
-Watching game one of the World Series of Baseball with my host family
-Trying to explain chewing tobacco and sunflower seeds

Friday, October 21, 2005

OMG! He posts! (also in this issue 25 funny/happy occurences)

Yea, sorry it´s been so long. I´ve been doing stuff... It´s just all been pretty routine. Not to say that I haven´t had a good laugh here and there, just nothing that deserves a full entry of it´s own. So, instead, I´ve decided to make a post of all the things that have made me laugh, say ´huh?´ or just made me smile. Here goes, in order of them coming back to me. Enjoy!

1. Seeing a little old lady bent over scraping the dirt road with her stick .

2. The next day seeing the water that runs down the hill running into another little old lady´s business across the street rather than hers.

3. Having my host parents´ grandson try and feed me his ´teta´ (milk bottle).

4. That giving my host father a good laugh.

5. Seeing my host father standing, pretending not to actually be watching the telenovela that my host mother is addicted to.

6. Remembering how my dad pretends that he doesn´t actually watch The Gilmore Girls and yet he knows all the characters´names.

7. Having the lady that runs the Cyber ask me what a computer error in English meant, and when I told her that I didn´t know, her looking at me incrediously and saying, ¨But you´re a gringo?!¨

8. Having a glass beer bottle explode without warning on us since we´d brought it from sea level up to Mt. Altar with an altitude of 6,000 meters. (approx. 19,500ft) (No one was hurt.)

9. Campesinos telling their friends that a bunch of alcoholic Americans brought a beer bottle up the mountain and it exploded.

10. My friend Jordan´s mule farting with each step that it took whenever it sped up to pass mine.

11. My friend Tim hollering all the way down the hill when his mule decided to make a run for it.

12. My French friend Jeremy getting a 40/40 on our first Socioecon exam and having to read all of his answers to the entire class.

13. Me being glad that I got a 39/40!

14. Meeting my first Ecuadorian completely caught up in an international pyramid scam (selling some sort of health drinks, ¨Scientifically Engineered!¨) and him trying to get me to join.

15. My host family giving me Puro con Sabor de Coco (strong alcoholic beverage) just to see how I´d react.

16. The next day my host uncle giving me a whole bottle as a gift. (apparently I reacted appropriately.)

17. The bus driver trying to use me as an excuse for why he made it late to his check point. (What, I´m not getting on quickly enough??)

18. The check point guy having seen me on that bus route about 30 times before and not believing the driver.

19. My host parents´grandson´s smile when I come in the door.

20. Playing fútbol with him and shouting ¨GOLLLLLL!!!!!¨ when the ball goes between my legs.

21. My host uncle talking about the ¨Raton Miguelito¨ (Mickey Mouse) and me thinking that he was calling me a rat.

22. My host uncle´s friend asking me how many girl friends I´d had (guys night out...) and me responding with my age...

23. My host uncle cracking up at all my fou paws

24. My cute spelling of fou paw.

25. Me reaching to finish a list of 25. :P

Sunday, October 02, 2005


The photos are here! Sorta...

As I´ve been trying to add photos of my adventures I´ve quickly come to realize that Blogspot is pretty bad at handling them. So, instead, I will be putting a few up that apply specifically to the stories. The rest can be found at ofoto, which I am trying to open up to everyone, but it hates me...

Edit: Hope this works... *crosses fingers*

Woot! With great advice from Katie and some trial and error, I think that I got it to work. You should be able to click the link, which will take you directly to ofoto. Then click the little link that says view fotos without an account. Or make an account, that way I know that you viewed them too! Enjoy.