Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Perros, Pajaros y las silbas que me despiertan

I arrived in Guayaquil at about 1 in the morning Ecuadorian time and was greeted at the airport by my dreary eyed host parents. We drove home in my father´s old mercedes truck without much conversation. When we arrived home I was shown my room and sent to bed, ¨que duermas bien¨ they say to me. If only I would be so lucky...

As I lie there in my bed, I try to fall asleep, but instead I find myself listening. I hear this strange sound. Somewhat like a bird, but maybe not. Then I hear what I know must be bird, and another answering it. Something has awoken the dogs and now every dog in the neighborhood is barking. I hear the original sound again. It sounds like it is right outside my window. I finally drift off to sleep with those noises all around me.

The next day when I told my father about all the noises, he explained to me that the sound I heard was the guard that they hire to watch the house and the cars parked outside. He told me that the guards wistle because it reassures the neighboring families that he has not fallen asleep. He also asked me if I heard the car horns in the morning. I said ¨Claro.¨and he explained to me that that was the school bus coming to pick up the children for school. He tells me that they come at 5:30 everyday, ¨like clockwork.¨Something to look forward to...
Pics of my room and view of the neighborhood.

Saturday, August 27, 2005


Here it is! Like the name? (For those unfamiliar with Spanish read: "Whitey's Adventures.") This is where I'll be posting cool photos and updates about my trip to Guayaquil, Ecuador. Check back often, and post a comment.