Saturday, July 19, 2008

Ecuador by the Numbers 2

So believe it or not I´ve been in Ecuador since the beginning of July having a blast. I´ve been meaning to update this but have very irregular internet access so my apologies! I think that this is once again the best way to hit the highlights of my trip so far. Here´s Ecuador by the Numbers 2!

4,300. The height in meters from which I viewed Quito after ascending Mt. Pinchincha on the Teleferico
2. The number of times my Guayaquil host brother has used the ¨this is my gringo friend¨ excuse to get himself out of a moving violation
3. The number of pregnancies I have witnessed in the Obstetrics ward at Hospital Pablo Arturo Suarez
4. The number of times I have been asked to draw blood from a patient in the emergency room
0. The number of times that I got up the guts to actually do it...
9. The number of hours between Guayaquil and Quito by bus
3. The number of times I will have made that trip by the end of this weekend.
9,000 (aproximately). The number of pirated movies my host father has from the store on the corner
$1.50. The cost of each of those movies
$0.50. The cost of my daily commute
19* C The average temperature in Quito
100% The chance of rain at least for a few minutes on any given day in Quito
24 Days left in Ecuador

That´s all for now folks. I´ll do my best to add to this before my trip is up but don´t hold your breath. Please leave a comment if you get a chance, or shoot me an email. I´d love to hear from you and will get back to you as soon as I can.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

El gringo returneth - how exciting! Pregnancies or births? And I'm sure the 4 that you bailed on were grateful - nothing worse than a nervous person with a needle. Fun but sooo many questions left unanswered - like why did you go back to Guayaquil? I think we need photos!!
Miss you, Mom

Sun Jul 20, 07:58:00 AM


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